Helping Kids To Deal With Bullies

Every parent wishes to raise a self-assured and sociable child who is well-adjusted and never bullied. However, this is not always the case, as some children are frequently tormented at school, while others are mocked by their neighbourhood acquaintances, older children, or even peers in tuition classes. If you feel this is occurring to your child, here are a few steps you can take to actively prevent bullies from targeting your child.
Assist him in determining how to reply
Your child is most likely unprepared to reply to bullies with appropriate retorts. As a result, you must assist them in developing words that will put an end to bullying. These might be basic and direct demands like "Leave me alone," "enough," or even storming away and yelling "whatever." Make certain that the phrases you teach them do not mistreat or provoke a bully, since this could exacerbate the situation.
Encourage you to communicate clearly with others
It's critical that your child tells you about bullying incidents. If they remain mute, they may internalise their fear, resulting in long-term suffering. Ask your child about his or her day on a regular basis, and schedule a weekly check-in call with the parents of your child's pals to see how things are going. Other children may disclose to their parents that a friend is being bullied, while your child may remain silent out of fear. As a result, clear communication must be encouraged.
Play out scenarios to see how they react
It is very likely that your child will learn what to say but will be afraid to speak it in a real-life setting when confronted by her aggressor. Playing a role with you is a fun approach to make light of the situation while also practising how to address the bully. This is an excellent technique to ensure that your child is not harmed as a result of the scenario. It might assist you in playing the bully and having your youngster stop your conduct with varied replies.
This can prepare your child for the real world and boost their self-esteem.