This year get rid of toxic work habits

The year 2020 is finally here. After everything that has happened in 2019, it's time to take a fresh start in 2020 by becoming a better version of yourself in every aspect of life. Be it at work, in college, in school, or personal relationships, one has to make sure to improve and become a better version of themselves. When we speak about work, there are some habits that we should consider leaving behind in 2019. These habits not only add more stress to our work life, but they also make us less productive.
Well, we all have bad habits, and while some negative behaviours don’t make you a bad person, but as an employee, they can reflect poorly upon you. So, this year it's time to get rid of some bad work habits.
Read below to find what they are.
Yes, the roads are dug, the trains/metros are running late, but showing up late at work now and then is something that is frowned upon. So it's time to change that. Take one day at a time, and try to be punctual daily before your employer passes a sly comment in the first month of 2020 itself.

It’s okay to step away from your desk to stretch your legs, but if you have a habit of taking unnecessary breaks, it’s time to apply some discipline. Taking too many breaks affects your productivity and also gives people a chance to talk about your inefficiency, so that needs to change right away.
Not being a team player:
You can't like everyone in the office, and not everyone can like you. But when it comes to working, you have to learn to work with co-workers even if you don’t like them. Remember the employer is not paying you to like or dislike someone.
Getting defensive:
Sometimes your boss might not like your work and might be too critical with you, but you should learn to take criticism positively. Just aim to be open-minded about the feedback you get at work. It will help you learn something and grow as a person.
Texting too much:
You can't keep your personal life aside while you are working, but texting too much or taking too many personal calls can completely throw you off track. Try and limit the usage of phone and you'll find yourself to be more productive.