No question of Aid as no Farmer died during protest, says Government

New Delhi : Speaking at the parliament, Agriculture minister Narendra Tomar as said that despite opposition and farer leaders proclaiming over 700 deaths of farmers during protest, no official record or data has been witnessed.
More than 700 farmers have died, opposition and farmer leaders have said, during the year-long protests against the contentious laws that have now been canceled
However the opposition and farmer leaders have claimed that more than 700 farmers have died during the year long protests at Delhi borders against the contentious laws that was canceled on Monday in parliament.
Congress's Rahul Gandhi was among the critics who attacked the centre over not allowing a discussion. "We wanted to discuss MSP (issue), we wanted to discuss the (UP) Lakhimpur Kheri incident, we wanted to discuss the 700 farmers who died in this agitation, and unfortunately that discussion has not been allowed," Mr Gandhi said.